Building AI Co-Workers: Innovators’ Meetup

clock2.png Wednesday November 6, 2024 | 10:00-12:00

loc2.png Entrée Capital Office | Tel-Aviv

Event Details


Join us for Entrée Capital’s exclusive Founders’ Gathering to explore the future of AI co-workers. This session is tailored for founders who have built or are currently building AI co-worker startups.



✨ Agenda:


10:00 – Gathering and light breakfast


Opening Remarks by Nir Sabato, Entrée Capital


“Workforce Automation as an Enterprise Problem – Why Engineers Won’t Be Replaced Anytime Soon” by Yoav Ramon, Nym:
This talk will cover key insights from Nym’s experience, where they replace human workforces with AI. Yoav’s hypothesis is that people often view this problem too narrowly, focusing on replacing skills without realizing that workforce replacement is a more complex enterprise issue. It involves understanding motives, politics, customizing solutions for each client, and recognizing the difference between what workers officially do and what they actually do in practice. Yoav believes medical coders, whom Nym replaces, present a simpler case than programmers, and I’ll explain why replacing programmers is a much more challenging task.


Spots are limited so get yours now!


Due to limited capacity and the exclusivity of this event, all registrations will be reviewed. If your participation is approved, a confirmation email with further details will be sent.


Please email with any questions.

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Yoav RamonCTO at Nym Health

Yoav is the CTO of Nym Health, an healthcare company that is writing a complex Clinical Language Understanding engine that summarizes medical charts, mainly to replace the work of the Medical Coder, a workforce of >200K workers getting >50K yearly salary at the US, doing a similar job. Yoav has a history of Leading AI teams and helping startups with understanding how to create real buisness impact with AI.

Nir SabatoInvestor at Entrée Capital

Nir is an early-stage investor focused on cutting-edge companies in enterprise security, AI, and LLM-first startups.

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